
Best Buy Eclipse PT-1136A Cordless Screwdriver - 3.6V with light Sale

Come and check-out one of the several Web's greatest selections associated with Eclipse PT-1136A Cordless Screwdriver - 3.6V with light, highlighting those items in such trendy brand names at very affordable price tag. Along with Fast Delivery on qualify orders of Eclipse PT-1136A Cordless Screwdriver - 3.6V with light.

Eclipse PT-1136A Cordless Screwdriver - 3.6V with light Specification

  • Rated no load speed 200 rpm; Output torque 2.5 Nm
  • Battery Type 3.6 V, 1000 mAh, NI-MH; Charging Time 5-7 hours
  • Adaptor Liner, 6 V DC, 300 mAh; Free running time 30-35 min
  • Drive collet 6.35 mm (1/4") hex bit shank;
  • Overall length, mm 210 × 140 angled, 270 straight

Eclipse PT-1136A Cordless Screwdriver - 3.6V with light Overview

Cordless Screwdriver - 3.6V with light [else][endif] [if
  • Rated no load speed 200 rpm; Output torque 2.5 Nm
  • Battery Type 3.6 V, 1000 mAh, NI-MH; Charging Time 5-7 hours
  • Adaptor Liner, 6 V DC, 300 mAh; Free running time 30-35 min
  • Drive collet 6.35 mm (1/4") hex bit shank;
  • Overall length, mm 210 × 140 angled, 270 straight

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